★海洋システムの生物地球化学[Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems]/[洋書]★
コース: 海洋生物地球化学 Marine Biogeochemistry(学部専門)の授業紹介コース | LASBOS Moodle,Mercury Biogeochemistry and Biomagnification in the Mediterranean Sea: Current Knowledge and Future Prospects in the Context of Climate Change,Development of a high-resolution ocean ensemble future projection dataset for the North Pacific incorporating simple biogeochemical processes | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science | Full Text,Phosphorus as an integral component of global marine biogeochemistry | Nature Geoscience,コース: 海洋生物地球化学 Marine Biogeochemistry(学部専門)の授業紹介コース | LASBOS Moodle